Saturday, May 29, 2010


It has been a fun day!!Went to yard sales this morning but did not find much, but still had a good time. Picked up a watermelon and cantalopes!!Delicious! The grandbabies came for a cookout and had so much fun with them. They enjoyed all the little goodies Nana picked up at the dollar bin@ Target!!Can't resist. We had a great dinner and our cookout was a success!! After dinner I took the boys outside and we blew bubbles. Later after watermelon I gave them a bath and they had popcorn and a movie. It has been a fun day and this Nana is very tired. Nick spent the night and we are getting ready to head upstairs!!Good nite all!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good day making great memories with your grandsons Candi !! Enjoy the rest of your weekend : )
