Dad and Mom

I so love Valentines Day! A day of love and Chocolate combined, doesn't get much better than that.My Mom and Dad were the tragic love story!They Loved, fought, divorced, got back together. In the end they were sort of together. When Dad was sick. He loved her so. After their passing I found old love letters and cards. He actually was very romantic and wrote her beautiful sonnets of love. Every Valentines Day of her life, he got her the biggest, prettiset box of candy around. He looked for ever picking out just the right card/ And jewelry was always on the Valentine menu along with steaks and wine/ They were both good looking. Mom looked like Marilyn Monroe and Daddy looked like a movie star. I will never forget the love they shared when it was good! If only it had stayed that way. Life is strange! I will never forget one Valentines Day. I was at Super D drugstore Valentines cards and looked over and there was Dad. His arms loaded with candy valentines and cards. We laughed because he and I had picked out the same card for Tasha!!So funny!So it is with love and rememberance today as I reflect on Valentines Day's gone by. I miss my Dad the most on Valentines. He was and always will be my Valentine. I think my grandson Nick is following in his great Grandaddy's footsteps.He took his GF Alayna a box of chocolates and a bag with a Valentine!!So sweet!!Have a wonderful dau on this Valentines Day 2012.