Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hard week!!

I must say this past week has been oneof the most difficult weeks we have had in a very long time. As mostof you know Lloyd, my husband has been in the hospital with cellulits/osteomyelitis. He has been very sick and I have been very worried. I was always reminded of that verse in the Bible /In all ways acknowledge him and he shall direct THY paths!!It is something I have claimed and lived this week and will for many weeks to come. It has completely changed my lifestyle around and Lloyd's as well. It is hard when you get older and your spouse is sick. You find that Life indeed is short and that everything does not always go as planned. So be very kind to your loved ones. I have not been able or thought about my Prims this week. I look at them they are here and I love them I love My husband way more though/ It is a challenging time for us and we will get through it. God is gracious and good to see us through and I am a firm believer in that.So, don't take things for granted. Enjoy your life. I have seen a lot this week. I have learned a lot. I change sheets every day and wash, I cook healthy meals and give medication. I scrub floors and make tea. I change cat boxes and water flowers, I am a wife, mother, nana, catmama. chauffeur,cook, maid, gardner,bill payer, nurse and many more. It has had a toll on my healt as well as I feel beat up inside having Lupus.But, I will make it. I always do. God will make a way. Have a blessed week!!


Monday, July 25, 2011


Just a note to share some fun pics for your Monday morning!!Have a blessed week!!

Prim hugs,Candi

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Decorating my way!!

When I recently mentioned to a friend that I love colonial decorating she declares well, you can't decorate primitives and colonial!! They don't mix that muslin and fabric things you like!I disgress. It is my house. I will decorate it to MY taste. I like a mixture. Old buckets and lanters. Pewter and coverlets. The fun of decoarting is choosing your own style and making it your own. I change a lot and I sell a lot as I get tired of things. This is why it is so much fun.I love getting ideals from others as well. I really enjoy the different decorating tips from others. So hey don't say you can't mix prims and colonial's.Of course you can.

prim hugs,Candi

Monday, July 11, 2011

4th of July

a wonderful book my dear daughter bought me and is chock full of Historical events and recipes

We love the 4th of July!We always have a cookout and fireworks. Then later that night we go downtown to the BIG fireworks in Nashville. it is really fun with the boys! they are 5 and 2 and 1/2. I always decoarate with flags everywhere and memorabalia as I am very Patriotic!I wantwd to share some photo's and hope yours was a great one as well. Hugs